MarchNarin Cinayeti Davasında Ara Karar: Sanıkların Tutukluluğu Devam Edecek
Turkish law enforcement kept tabs on Büyükfırat and was wiretapping his phone when he spoke to indicted al-Qaeda group leader Mullah Muhammed (real name: Mehmet Doğan) about plans and funds transfers. When the police detained Tahşiyeciler leader Mullah Muhammed and his associates in January 2010, the police discovered three hand grenades, one smoke bomb, seven handguns, 18 hunting rifles, electronic parts for explosives, knives and a large cache of ammunition in the homes of the suspects. When the wiretap was presented to Mullah Muhammed during questioning by the police, he denied having the conversation, while Büyükfırat claimed it was part of a business deal with his brother. The police chief added that he personally submitted detailed reports about the IHH’s terror links to Erdoğan when he was prime minister. The IHH had long been flagged by Russia as an organization that smuggled arms to jihadist groups in Syria, according to intelligence documents submitted to the UN Security Council on Feb
The war halted after 44 days as a result of the Russia-brokered agreement imposed on Armenia. Marus insisted that Ayvazyan was suffering from an illness that, he believed, could only be eased by solitary time spent inside the cathedral. Presiding judge Canel Ruzgar did not like what he heard from the police intelligence chief and said he could not level accusations against Büyükfırat, who was listed as a complainant in the defamation case against him. Mullah Muhammed said the funds were needed in a couple of days and that he had accumulated a large amount of debt. The war halted after 44 days as a result of the Russia-brokered agreement imposed on Armenia. He often used the code names Abdurrahman and Abu Abrar. It is often said that Aylisli decided to write Stone Dreams upon watching a video of Djulfa’s destruction. Unlike Armenian scholars, Azerbaijani dissidents often see the destruction of Nakhichevan’s Armenian heritage as part of a domestic crackdown on all forms of opposition to Azerbaijan’s ruling elite. In fact, the Aliyev regime’s controversy-riddled diplomacy promotes Azerbaijan as a "land of tolerance." In 2012, the European Stability Initiative described Azerbaijan’s generous spending on lobbying and attempts to woo foreign allies as "caviar diplomacy." This petrodollar-funded campaign has entailed various donations, including cultural preservation grants of undisclosed sums to the Vatican. In 2016, after a "renovation" that significantly altered the original structure, the Azerbaijani authorities reopened the formerly Russian church as a "temple-museum" to, in part, use its interior for displaying photos of nearby Islamic monuments, followed by Azerbaijan’s state media’s praise of the conversion as a testament to "multiculturalism and tolerance." St. A groundbreaking forensic report tracks Azerbaijan’s recent destruction of 89 medieval churches, 5,840 intricate cross-stones, and 22,000 tombstones. But the destruction commenced again in November 2002, and by the time the incident was written up by Icomos in its World Report on Monuments and Sites in Danger for that year, the 1500-year-old cemetery was described as "completely flattened"
Duruşmanın üçüncü gününde, sanık avukatları baz istasyonu kayıtlarının delil olarak ele alınmasına itiraz ederken, tutuklu sanık Salim Güran'ın aracında bulunan kıl ve DNA izlerine de itiraz ettiler. If you have any queries regarding wherever and how to use Escort DiyarbakıR, you can call us at our web-site. Mahkeme heyeti, müşteki Arif Güran ve vekili, Diyarbakır Barosu ile Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığının davaya katılma talebinin kabulüne, ağabey Baran Güran'ın müşteki olarak dosyaya eklenmesi talebinin reddine, mahkemeye gönderilen Dara bölgesine (Şehit Jandarma Uzman Onbaşı Bilal Dicle Gözetleme Noktası) ait görüntülerin dosyaya eklenmesine, tutuklu şüpheli R.A'nın tanık olarak dinlenilmesi talebinin kabulüne, Diyarbakır Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığına müzekkere yazılarak dosyada bulunan daraltılmış baz raporunu hazırlayanlardan hangi yöntem ile hangi baz verilerini kullanarak, hangi cihazlar ve hangi kriterlere uyularak, bilimsel tekniklerin neler olduğunu gösterir ve sapma payının olup olmama ihtimalini de belirtir ayrıntılı ek rapor aldırılmasına karar verdi. Savunma avukatları, iddianamedeki en önemli delil olan, sanıkların cinayet günü birlikte olduğunu gösterir baz istasyonu kayıtlarını çürütmeye odaklandı. Sanıklar ve avukatları, duruşmada delilleri çürütmeye odaklandı. Duruşmada 18 yaşından küçük olan tanıklar, adliyedeki Adli Gözlem Odası’nda Ses ve Görüntü Bilişim Sistemi (SEGBİS) ile pedagog eşliğinde ifade verdi. Eren de "Baran'la birlikte Adli Tıp Kurumu'nun önündeydim. Ben de bir babayım. Neyin peşindeyim? Neyin peşindeyim, gerçeklerin peşindeyim. Hayatıma mal olsa da peşini bırakmam asla. O kızın otopsisinde iken 3 gün boyunca kokusu üstümdeydi. Ömür boyu o kokuyu unutmayacağım. Sana teşhis yaptıracaklardı, izin vermedim. Sana bu kötülüğü yapılmasını engellemek için seni içeri almadım o zaman. Çünkü Baran, her gün öpüp kokladığı kız kardeşinin cesedinin kokusu üstüne sinecekti." dedi