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Blog entry by Sergio Colangelo

Muslim Hate In Azerbaijan

Muslim Hate In Azerbaijan

nThe breathtakingly ornate stones of the world’s largest medieval Armenian cemetery were no more. I thought the mass destruction of Armenian monuments in Nakhchivan was a great shame of our nation." Aylisli’s new essay also references a telegram he sent to Azerbaijan’s president in 1997, the year "when that monstrous vandalism had just begun." Aylisili had actually published the text of this telegram in 2011 in a privately released Russian-language book with a circulation of just 50 copies. "After replacing his father in 2003 as president," Yunus told us, "Ilham Aliyev upgraded Armenophobia to the levels of fascist Germany’s anti-Semitism." The final purge of Nakhichevan’s medieval Armenian monuments, according to Yunus, was conceived by Ilham Aliyev to boost his nationalist credentials, while Vasif Talibov happily complied to remain in charge. The breathtakingly ornate stones of the world’s largest medieval Armenian cemetery were no more. Women and children in the village of Khramort were also being evacuated for security reasons, the Artsakh Information Center reported. Three children and a woman were inside their house at the time woke up to the shooting. At the time of the demolition, Azerbaijani historian Ziya Bunyadov downplayed the destruction

Would it not be a fresh and pleasant change if Western governments finally stepped up and took concrete action to stop Azerbaijan’s murderous violence against the peaceful residents of Artsakh? These acts of violence appear to be a continuation of the long-running, systematic assaults that the Armenians in the region have been exposed to at the hands of Turks and Azeris. • On February 11, Azerbaijani armed forces fired in the direction of the residential homes in the villages of Karmir Shuka and Taghavard in the Martuni region. Azerbaijan’s president proteststhat "all of our mosques in occupied Azerbaijani lands have been destroyed." A visitor to Armenia-backed Nagorno-Karabakh (also called Artsakh in Armenian) would observe otherwise: there are mosques, albeit nonoperational, including one in the devastated "buffer zone" ghost town Agdam

The war halted after 44 days as a result of the Russia-brokered agreement imposed on Armenia. Büyükfırat went to Azerbaijan as a young man in 1992 and has been living there ever since. Wrecking the church was insignificant since the "real" Holy Trinity, Bunyadov abruptly claimed, was located outside Azerbaijan. The pre-WWI count of active Ottoman Armenian churches and monasteries, according to the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, was 2,538 and 451, respectively; nearly all have since been destroyed or repurposed. The war halted after 44 days as a result of the Russia-brokered agreement imposed on Armenia. In 2010, Armenia convinced a multi-state UNESCO committee to declare "the symbolism and If you loved this information and you would such as to get additional facts concerning eskort diyarbakıR kindly check out our own webpage. craftsmanship of khachkars" part of UN-designated Intangible Cultural Heritage - a posthumous yet implicit tribute to Djulfa. Ayvazyan feared that Nakhichevan’s Armenian material heritage was destined to disappear, like its indigenous Armenians already had. By cutting off the gas pipeline to the population of Artsakh, firing at residents frequently, and still illegally holding Armenian prisoners of war in its jails, the Azerbaijani government appears to aim to ethnically cleanse the region of indigenous Armenians by destroying their peaceful life and violently forcing them to flee their ancestral lands. Nevertheless, the official Azerbaijani publication’s foreword explicitly reveals "Armenians" as the reason for No. But a newly released book reveals that Aylisli first protested the destruction in Nakhichevan nearly a decade earlier

The delegation of ten MEPs from the commission on EU-Armenia parliamentary co-operation travelled to Armenia on 17 April following a resolution passed by the EP’s conference of presidents on 6 April. Armenia … There were no Armenians ever living here - so how could there have been churches here? Similarly, a construction project completed in 2016 over the ruins of the hilltop castle Ernjak was promoted as "the restored Alinja fortress - the Machu-Picchu of Azerbaijan," with no reference to its deep Armenian past. But, after the region’s last remaining traces of Christianity were expunged in 2005-2006, the Azerbaijani authorities abandoned discussions of "Caucasian Albanians," and began promoting Nakhichevan as the bedrock of an "ancient and medieval Turkish-Islamic culture," without reference to its deep Christian past. The ambassador had intended to probe the reported destruction of thousands of historical Medieval Christian Armenian artworks and objects at the necropolis of Djulfa in Nakhichevan. In the mid-1950s, writes Victor Schnirelmann in the Russian-language book Memory Wars, Azerbaijani historiographers initiated an anti-Armenian agenda

Osman Güran, olay gününü anlatarak, "Enes’le Narin kaybolduktan sonra görüştüm. Tanık olarak dinlenen Yüksel Güran'ın kardeşi Yasemin Gül, olay gününü anlattı. Olay gününü anlatan A.K., "Narin’i camide gördüm. Tanıklara olay gününe dair saatler soruldu ancak bir çoğu "Hatırlamıyorum" şeklinde cevap verdi. Olay günü Narin’in üzerine ne olduğunu sorarken, Baran’a mesaj attık, ‘Bu onun olabilir mi? Sonra Narin’in teyzesi Yasemin geldi, annem ve ablama saldırdı. Hediye geldiğinde hatırlamıyorum ama E. bana ‘Hediye yenge geldi, elbiseleri bırakıp gitti’ dedi. Narin’i görmedim. Yüksel yenge geldi, fenalaştı, ambulansa bindi. Diyarbakır 8. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi'ndeki perşembe günü başlayan duruşmada tutuklu sanıklar Nevzat Bahtiyar, ağabey Enes, anne Yüksel ve amca Salim Güran savunma yaptı

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