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Simultaneously, Talibov has been unveiling mosques and statues honoring the ruling dynasty’s patriarch Heydar Aliyev. In 2013, President Aliyev was furious at Azerbaijan’s prolific "People’s Writer" - Akram Aylisli - for publishing a novel about Armenian suffering and antiquity. Azerbaijan’s right to victimhood too." Azerbaijan’s narrative includes Armenian aggression, ethnic cleansing, massacre in Khojaly, occupation, and anti-Azerbaijan propaganda spread by the well-connected Armenian Diaspora. The offending article was written by Taghizadh, 56, for the newspaper’s 6 November issue
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The trip's employees would do much more than carry the baggage. We now know that Nişantaş celebrates the deeds of Shupiluliuma II, last of the Great Kings of Hattusha. The travellers gained one last burst of strength in the new year, as they visited the great Mesopotamian sites of Nimrud and Nineveh. The travellers were a day's march behind the imperial troops who had been sent in to quell the rebellion, and who frequently left the roadside inns in a deplorable state. From Baghdad the travellers followed separate courses back to Istanbul, where they would reunite once more in June. The inscription was widely believed to be too worn to be read, but the expedition "recovered fully one half. "Their dedication is all the more remarkable as the script in which it is written, now known as "hieroglyphic Luwian," was not deciphered until over half a century later. The trip's employees would do much more than carry the baggage. Like Bell, whose Byzantine interests set her at the vanguard of European scholarship, the Cornell researchers were less interested in ancient Greece and Rome than in what came before and after. The story of the men behind the study and their adventures abroad has been lost to Cornell history-until now. Funding has been provided by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Classics, and the Department of the History of Art. When the expedition set off in mid-July, their starting point was not one of the classical cities of the coast, but a remote village in the heartland of the Phrygian kings. Baghdad in the early twentieth century was a lively international city, and as the company recuperated they took advantage of its entertainments. Drawing of the early medieval Deyrulzafaran, "the saffron monastery," located outside of Mardin
Wrench supplemented his notes on the "first Babylonian dynasty" with a clutch of pressed flowers. But as they pressed on across the steppes that today form the far northeastern corner of Syria, the strains of six months' steady travel began to show. As they made their way to the regional center, Diyarbakır, they heard that the city was in revolt: the local worthies had occupied the telegraph office to protest the depredations enacted by a local chieftain. For Sterrett, the expedition of 1907-08 was only the first step in an ambitious long-term plan for archaeological research in the Eastern Mediterranean. The organizer, John Robert Sitlington Sterrett, spent the late 1800s traveling from one end of Anatolia to the other, where he established a reputation as an expert on Greek inscriptions. Charles defended his study of the Hittite inscriptions for his Ph.D. Olmstead, Wrench, and Charles made their separate ways to Athens, whence they sailed together for Istanbul
Duruşmanın üçüncü gününde, sanık avukatları baz istasyonu kayıtlarının delil olarak ele alınmasına itiraz ederken, tutuklu sanık Salim Güran'ın aracında bulunan kıl ve DNA izlerine de itiraz ettiler. Mahkeme heyeti, müşteki Arif Güran ve vekili, Diyarbakır Barosu ile Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığının davaya katılma talebinin kabulüne, ağabey Baran Güran'ın müşteki olarak dosyaya eklenmesi talebinin reddine, mahkemeye gönderilen Dara bölgesine (Şehit Jandarma Uzman Onbaşı Bilal Dicle Gözetleme Noktası) ait görüntülerin dosyaya eklenmesine, tutuklu şüpheli R.A'nın tanık olarak dinlenilmesi talebinin kabulüne, Diyarbakır Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığına müzekkere yazılarak dosyada bulunan daraltılmış baz raporunu hazırlayanlardan hangi yöntem ile hangi baz verilerini kullanarak, hangi cihazlar ve hangi kriterlere uyularak, bilimsel tekniklerin neler olduğunu gösterir ve sapma payının olup olmama ihtimalini de belirtir ayrıntılı ek rapor aldırılmasına karar verdi. Savunma avukatları, iddianamedeki en önemli delil olan, sanıkların cinayet günü birlikte olduğunu gösterir baz istasyonu kayıtlarını çürütmeye odaklandı. Sanıklar ve avukatları, duruşmada delilleri çürütmeye odaklandı. Duruşmada 18 yaşından küçük olan tanıklar, adliyedeki Adli Gözlem Odası’nda Ses ve Görüntü Bilişim Sistemi (SEGBİS) ile pedagog eşliğinde ifade verdi. Eren de "Baran'la birlikte Adli Tıp Kurumu'nun önündeydim. Ben de bir babayım. Neyin peşindeyim? Neyin peşindeyim, gerçeklerin peşindeyim. If you have any sort of inquiries concerning where and the best ways to make use of escort Diyarbakır, you could call us at our own web site. Hayatıma mal olsa da peşini bırakmam asla. O kızın otopsisinde iken 3 gün boyunca kokusu üstümdeydi. Ömür boyu o kokuyu unutmayacağım. Sana teşhis yaptıracaklardı, izin vermedim. Sana bu kötülüğü yapılmasını engellemek için seni içeri almadım o zaman. Çünkü Baran, her gün öpüp kokladığı kız kardeşinin cesedinin kokusu üstüne sinecekti." dedi